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Talking Soy Free on Farmarama Radio

As a follow-up to featuring in the Wicked Leeks 'What's the problem with animal feed' film (see our blog), our interviews with Nina Pullman have also featured in two episodes of Farmarama Radio!

Farmarama Radio

Farmerama Radio is an award-winning podcast sharing the voices behind regenerative farming.  Each month, the show features farmers and growers rebuilding our food and ecosystems from the ground up.

Committed to positive ecological futures for the earth and its people, they believe that farmers of the world will determine this.  By giving them a voice, they hope to rejuvenate the confidence and vibrancy of regenerative farmers and rural communities and demonstrate how their decisions affect everyone – from food, to health, and the planet.

In a wider context, they say we all need farmers, yet few have much meaningful connection to, or understanding of, farming.  It’s their mission to use Farmerama Radio as a platform to change that.

Episode 80 - April 2023

Farmarama say, "This month, we continue to share some of the conversations we had at the Oxford Real Farming Conference at the beginning of the year. First, we meet Satish Kumar, founder of Schumacher College and editor of Resurgence and Ecologist Magazine. Satish shared his meditation practice with the conference, and talked to us about his connection to food and nature. Next, we hear from Pete Ritchie and Anna Chworow from Nourish Scotland, to talk about the work they have done supporting the Scottish Agricultural bill.

We also have the second interview in a series we’ve made with Wicked Leeks, about animal feed. In this episode, Wicked Leeks editor Nina Pullman speaks with Mark Chapple, and meets some of the soya free and pasture reared chickens on his farm. Wicked Leeks have made a documentary on this topic, called ‘What’s the Problem with Animal Feed?’ which meets some of the farmers trying to reverse agriculture’s soy addiction.  If you are interested in more stories on sustainable food and ethical business, you can sign up online to receive the weekly edition of the Wicked Leeks magazine."

Have a listen to the whole show, or if you want to skip straight to Mark's interview, it starts at 22.10.

For full credits, please visit the Farmarama Episode 80 SoundCloud or find a full transcript here.

Episode 81 - May 2023

Farmarama say, "This month Severine von Tscharner Fleming tells us all about the work she's been doing as part of the Seaweed Commons, an international learning and advocacy network for conservation minded seaweed farmers, wild harvesters, marine biologists and researchers.

We also have the third and final instalment of our series on animal feed made in collaboration with Wicked Leeks. This episode, Wicked Leeks editor Nina Pullman speaks with Amy Chapple - daughter of Mark Chapple who you’ll remember from last week’s episode - about her soy-free pigs. Wicked Leeks are exploring this topic in a documentary entitled ‘What’s the Problem with Animal Feed?’ which meets some of the farmers trying to reverse agriculture’s soy addiction. If you are interested in more stories on sustainable food and ethical business, you can sign up online to receive the weekly edition of the Wicked Leeks magazine.

Finally, we hear from Sérgio Nicolau in Portugal about his transition from conventional to organic, and then regenerative winemaking. He shares with us how he uses a combination of sap analysis, brix readings and hole digging to understand what is working on his vineyard."

Have a listen to the whole show, or if you're pushed for time and want to skip straight to Amy's interview, it starts at around 9:30.

For full credits, please visit the Farmarama Episode 81 SoundCloud. or find a full transcript here.


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